Ministries & Outreach 事工和外展
Objectives 目標:
Evangelism & Spiritual Care to the marginalized elderly
Benevolent funds for elderly in crisis & in abuse situation
Mobility aids for the marginalized elderly
Rural region residential care facility improvement & renovation
Seminary education for elderly ministry missionary
Spiritual care training for elderly care volunteers
Holistic care training for geriatric health care workers
Current Ministry & Outreach Projects 現行事工和外展項目:
Spiritual Care & Evangelism
Enoch Society volunteers work as a team with a chaplain to do visitations to the elderly in rural regions of China as well as some low visit rate nursing home in Toronto Canada. Our visitation team aims to bring spiritual care to the lonely elderly through caring friendship, faith in the Lord, eternal hope, internal peace and genuine life purpose.
燃協的義工隊伍連同牧者會探訪中國內地偏遠鄉鎮的長者們和多倫多院舍中缺乏探望者的院友們。我們希望透過真誠的關懷、彼此的友情、對主的信心、永恆的盼望、內在的平安和生命的真理, 為孤獨長者帶來靈命上的關顧。
Benevolent Funds For Elderly In Crisis & Abuse Situation
Enoch Society works with local churches in oversea countries as well as mission organizations in providing relief funds for isolated elderly in distress who are victims of natural disasters, crisis and various abuses.
燃協與各地方教會和差會機構合作, 為世界各地在天災中、困苦中、危難中和受虐中被孤立的長者提供緊急財政支援。
Mobility Aids For The Marginalized Elderly
It grieves us to see the lacking of resources for mobility aids in the nursing homes of some countries. Often, a bed ridden resident in a nursing home would remain in bed 24 hours a day for lack of transfer knowledge and a suitable wheelchair. Risk of falls increase much as there is no aids like a walker or rollator. Enoch Society’s volunteered occupational therapist/physiotherapist visit nursing home residents in rural regions to make mobility assessment. We work on raising funds to meet the mobility aid needs of these elderly who would otherwise be bed confined or immobile.
在一些地區, 因為院舍缺乏助動器材和員工缺乏適當的轉移技巧, 常常令到一些失禁長者長期天天卧床24小時, 情況實在令人傷感。另外, 缺乏適當助步器也會導致長者步行時容易趺倒受傷。燃協的義務職業治療師/物理治療師會探訪安老院院友和居住鄉鎮的長者, 為他/她們評估活動能力和訂定助動器材的需要。燃協收到轉介後, 就會展閞籌募工作, 為有需要長者和院舍購買所需器材。
Seminary Education For Elderly Ministry Missionary
Enoch Society has visited seminary in Toronto, Hong Kong & China advocating the needs for specialized elderly ministry missionary training. We would continue to seek partnership with these seminaries in equipping next generation missionary with hearts for global elderly ministry work.
燃協曾造訪多倫多、香港和中國內地的神學院, 推廣有關長者事工的獨特需要。燃協會繼續尋求能夠與神學院合作的機會, 裝備新一代傳道人對服事長者的事工作準備。
Spiritual Care Training For Elderly Care Volunteers
Volunteers are integral part of Enoch Society ministry delivery. We like to continue to seek partnership with churches in organizing spiritual care training that would equip the young generation as well as baby boomer generation to honour and care for the elderly in their communities.
義工是燃協事工的主力人員。燃協會繼續尋求和教會合辦有關靈命關顧的訓練, 裝備會眾和新一代青年對長者的敬重和關懷。
Holistic Care Training For Geriatric Health Care Workers
In country like China, Enoch Society has focused training effort in among the health care workers, who are the primary care force for the frail and often abandoned elderly in rural regions. Our team with chaplain, nurses, occupational therapist, social worker, personal support workers and seminary students together work on providing a holistic care training curriculum and training courses to the health care workers. While learning the biblical teaching on caring for the elderly, we hope that these workers may come to know Jesus as well.
在一些地區, 護理員是往往是留守鄉鎮長者的首要照顧者。有見及此, 燃協非常著重護理員對照顧體弱長者的培訓。燃協的義工團隊包括牧者、護士、職業治療師、社工和神學生, 合力制定了一係列課程, 訓練護理員對長者的全面照顧。燃協同時也希望透過課程, 讓參與的護理只員能認識耶穌基督。
Rural Region Residential Care Facility Improvement & Renovation Project
Enoch Society is working with a Hunan Christian nursing home to improve the home’s facilities and expand its care capacity to a 100 beds from currently 28 beds. Being the only Christian nursing home for a county of 6 millions people, we hope the expansion project would be a mean to provide a future spiritual home to many more elderly.